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    It’s Here! One Easy Platform for Multi-UCaaS Services

    By YANIV KITLARU March 29, 2023

    The rise of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C), which has rapidly accelerated in the..

    The Microsoft Partners’ Path to Microsoft Teams Voice Connectivity Success

    By YANIV KITLARU March 15, 2023

    As the community of Microsoft Teams Phone customers continues to grow, many Microsoft partners are..

    What Is the Best Way to Deploy Direct Routing SBCs?

    By YANIV KITLARU February 1, 2023

    Microsoft Teams is a key player in the unified communications market – and it’s easy to see why so..

    How to Make PSTN Connectivity for Cisco Webex Calling Easy

    By YANIV KITLARU January 18, 2023

    In today’s busy hybrid workplaces, especially for organizations that operate globally, unified..

    What Is the Difference Between Direct Routing and Operator Connect?

    By YANIV KITLARU October 19, 2022

    During the course of my work, I meet a lot of customers who want to connect their Microsoft Teams..

    Live Platform: The Fast Track for Service Providers to Deliver Operator Connect

    By YANIV KITLARU May 25, 2022

    Microsoft Teams has become the center of the digital workplace and its success keeps growing as..

    How Can Service Providers Simplify PSTN Connectivity to Microsoft Teams?

    By YANIV KITLARU February 9, 2022

    Whenever I talk to AudioCodes partners these days about the unified communications and..

    What Is Operator Connect?

    By YANIV KITLARU January 26, 2022

    With the increasing popularity of the hybrid workplace and the growth of Microsoft Teams, many..

    Migration to Microsoft Teams Made Easy

    By YANIV KITLARU October 27, 2021

    If you’ve read any of my previous posts on the AudioCodes blog, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of..

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