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Make the Most of This Summer Season!

Microsoft Teams | Microsoft | Session Border Controllers (SBCs) | Unified Communications | Voice.AI | Zoom | Voice as a Service | SaaS

1 minute read

Make the Most of this Summer Season!

Summer is here, and that means our minds begin to naturally gravitate towards vacation mode. AudioCodes’ customers can rest assured we are hard at work developing innovative new solutions and fine-tuning our existing ones to make sure you always enjoy an optimal experience.

While our customers take a step back during the summer season, we reflect, plan and make room for improvements on our best-in-class suite of products and solutions. Here’s a short recap of what we’ve done so far:

  • AudioCodes Live is a catalog of solutions created for fast deployment of Microsoft Teams and its phone system feature. AudioCodes Live includes Live Cloud, Live Express and Live Teams, each dedicated to expediating a niche aspect of Microsoft Teams, such as Direct Routing and Operator Connect.
  • An array of Zoom certified AudioCodes devices created to make the move to Zoom Phone as seamless as possible from both the home and office.
  • AudioCodes Live CX for contact centers is a portfolio of solutions delivered as a cloud service or managed at the customer data center. Live CX modernizes customer engagement with voicebots, native web-based voice and video communications.
  • AudioCodes VoiceAI Connect Cloud is a self-service portal (SaaS) that seamlessly integrates voicebots with existing customer service solutions.

Microsoft and Zoom have had a tremendous few years, and AudioCodes has collaborated with both companies to create the needed infrastructure for our customers to take advantage of an expedited experience for both platforms. Our collection of best-in-class solutions have been recognized by international organizations, such as Colt, for its great impact on getting service providers, partners and even end-customers started on their voice journey.

AudioCodes solutions have been a game changer for partners who are looking to leverage the ever-expanding voice cloud market without the hassle of meeting Microsoft’s and Zoom’s requirements. Our AudioCodes Live catalogue has made it easier than ever to tap into the voice market using both Direct Routing and Operator Connect capabilities. Our practical and easy to use solutions have created a buzz between partners and service providers alike for their instantaneous business transformations.

Even your favorite AudioCodes bloggers need to recharge their batteries in the sun, but don’t fret, we will be back with more quick and informative blogs shortly. Wishing all our readers a relaxing summer break!

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