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Summertime (and the Livin’ Is Easy)

Unified Communications | VoIP

1 minute read


It’s no secret that we at AudioCodes believe in working hard to bring you some of the most informative and incisive blog posts out there, all presented in an easy-to-read and relaxed style.

Already this year, we’ve given you plenty of insider insights into the latest voice developments. We’ve covered Microsoft Teams, IP phones, network management, session border controllers, Voice.AI, call recording and compliance, as well as our Accelerate 2019 event in Tel Aviv. We’ve also been honored to post some guest blogs from other industry leaders whose work complements ours.

But it’s also no secret that the AudioCodes team loves the summer, and even your favorite blog authors need to take a short break occasionally. For this reason, we’ll be closing the AudioCodes blog until the beginning of September 2019, when we’ll be back with more of the great posts that you’ve come to know and love.

We’d like to thank you, our loyal readers, for all your support, and also take this opportunity to wish those of you in the Northern Hemisphere an enjoyable summer.

See you again soon!





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