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Product Notice #0373: Release of AudioCodes Routing Manager (ARM) Version 8.8 for General Availability

Product Notice | Management Solutions | Unified Communications

1 minute read

We are pleased to announce the release of ARM Software Version 8.8.21 for General Availability (GA) on both on-premise installation and cloud-native deployment on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

Much like the rest of the company’s management solutions and products, AudioCodes Routing Manager delivers the ease of use our customers have come to expect on a variety of deployment configurations. Cloud-native routing management is emerging as a popular priority, especially when it comes to the cost and operational benefits of the cloud’s economies of scale.

New features include network level support for distributed users, resource grouping, and centralized management of SDvN capabilities such as security-based call routing. Download the AudioCodes Routing Manager Release Notes for a comprehensive of breakdown of ARM V8.8, extended with capacity specifications and list of major fixes.

New ARM Demo license activation!

For the first time, ARM customer can access the demo license, which fully covers the offering’s entire functionality and provides support for up to 100 concurrent sessions, 100 routing rules and 500 users. The Demo license will remain valid for a period of 3 months.  Note that migration from ARM Demo to Full Production license retains all your customer settings (e.g. rules).


Want to learn what ARM can do for your deployment? Click here.

To read Product Notice #0373, click below.






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