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Easy and Cost-Effective Online Content Sharing in Hybrid Microsoft Teams Meetings

Microsoft Teams | IP Phone | Microsoft | Unified Communications | Meeting Solutions

2 minute read

Easy and Cost-Effective Online Content Sharing in Hybrid Microsoft Teams Meetings

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the hybrid workplace, effective content sharing in meeting rooms enabled with unified communications platforms like Microsoft Teams has become more crucial than ever.

With teams scattered across different locations, both in-office and remote, the need to seamlessly share presentations, documents and ideas is paramount for maintaining productivity and collaboration. Whether it's brainstorming sessions, client presentations or team meetings, ensuring that everyone has access to the same information and can contribute equally is essential for the success of hybrid work models.

Content Sharing Should Be Simple and Cost-Effective

One of the most common content sharing challenges in the Microsoft Teams Rooms ecosystem is enabling participants in the meeting room to connect their laptops to the meeting room central hub, which is usually located near the room’s screen.

This usually involves a significant amount of installation work and the additional cost of a 7 to 10 meter HDMI cable routed to the center of the room can significantly increase costs, especially when it needs to be replicated in many meeting rooms around the office. So the obvious question is also a very simple one: is there a more cost-effective way to enable content sharing in meeting rooms?

Rising to the Content Sharing Challenge with the RX-PAD

Because we at AudioCodes always listen very attentively to feedback from the field, we heard that particular question very early on during the development and subsequent introduction of Microsoft Teams Rooms. That’s why we decided to equip our innovative RX-PAD Meeting Room Controller with a dedicated HDMI-in port for this very purpose.

The AudioCodes RX-PAD Meeting Room Controller is a center-of-room intelligent touch controller that provides quick and complete cableless access to AudioCodes solutions for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android. It packs powerful capabilities such as one-click collaboration initiation with an integrated calendar, in-meeting camera adjustments and much more, all while retaining a modest footprint on the conference room table.

The RX-PAD’s unique HDMI-in port makes it a piece of cake for any participant sitting around the conference room table to quickly and easily connect his or her laptop using just a short (and significantly cheaper) HDMI cable to enjoy full content sharing functionality. The RX-PAD’s wireless connection to the AudioCodes RXV200 Intelligent AV Hub or the AudioCodes RXV81 Collaboration Bar means that every participant, whether they are attending in-person or remotely, can see exactly the same content that the presenter has on his or her laptop screen.

That’s handy enough, but the RX-PAD also has a couple more tricks up its sleeve.

  • Participants can present content via a large meeting room screen even without an active Microsoft Teams meeting running and with the Microsoft Teams Rooms solution in idle mode.
  • Guests from outside the organization who are present in the meeting room can also easily share content with other participants without having to be issued with credentials to join the meeting officially.

Putting Productivity in Pole Position

This in-demand content sharing feature is just one small example of how AudioCodes always strives to put the real-world needs of its customers at the forefront of its development efforts, helping organizations just like yours stay ahead of the curve by keeping meetings productive.

To see it in action – and how easy it is to get started – why not check out the video at the top of this page?


Want to learn how to boost productivity in today's meeting rooms with the AudioCodes RX-PAD?


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