AudioCodes Voice - Blog

Voice Quality Issues? OVOC and MasterScope are the Cure!

Written by MARINA RISHER | Jun 3, 2020 1:15:00 PM

When I consult with new customers, I always ask: “Do you have any voice quality issues?” Surprisingly, the answer that I most often hear is “I have no idea.”

At first, this intrigued me. How could IT managers be totally unaware of whether their enterprise’s network has voice quality issues? Then the fog cleared. In the absence of any complaints from network users, most IT managers simply assume that everything is functioning exactly as it should.

But that’s not all. If users did happen to complain about voice quality, how can IT managers identify the cause of the issue? And what if users never complain because they assume that voice issues are a given, and that nothing can be done?

The more I thought about it, the more it struck me that I was encountering severe cases of learned helplessness on an almost daily basis. If nothing can be done to fix the problem, why complain?

Having identified this loop of faulty thinking, I thought to myself, how can we at AudioCodes best remedy the situation? Well, the solution is here.

As a response to this endemic problem, we’ve designed and built the One Voice Operations Center (OVOC) network management application, to identify and remedy voice quality issues.

OVOC combines management of voice network devices and quality of experience monitoring into a single, intuitive web-based application. It enables administrators to adopt a holistic approach to network lifecycle management by simplifying everyday tasks and assisting in troubleshooting all the way from detection to correction.

And we’ve gone even further.

AudioCodes recently partnered with NEC to provide a multi-layer voice, data monitoring, and analytics solution.

This collaboration adds NEC’s MasterScope to OVOC, making it possible to:

  • Simplify voice network operations, improve user experience, and reduce downtime.
  • Monitor, analyze, and troubleshoot voice and data layers from a single pane of glass.
  • Access all current and historical call data and underlying data layer information with just a few clicks,
  • Get intelligent insights into network trends and performance to assist in planning and design.

When performing root cause analysis, OVOC displays all related call information, signaling, and media. It presents a schematic view of all device legs, including direction and quality issues, and also shows the call quality trend and the SIP ladder. All that busy IT managers need to do is click on the problematic leg, and OVOC will call up the MasterScope application for data layer monitoring and analysis.

MasterScope really gets down to business by showing a data layer topology map which includes all elements, such as routers and switches. By analyzing SNMP alarms, metrics, and flow data, MasterScope identifies the data element that is likely responsible for the quality issues. It initiates a comprehensive data analysis on the suspected problematic element and presents all of the interface’s traffic and applications activity. MasterScope then recommends the required data network configuration changes to eliminate voice quality issues and prevent them recurring.

We always knew that OVOC was a winner, but partnering with MasterScope provides even more of an edge in today’s competitive market. If your network is showing symptoms of poor voice quality, we have the cure.

Want to know more? Click the button below and we’ll be in touch.